Analyzing the Economic Impact of Account Abstraction on Uniswap's Liquidity Providers and MEV Dynamics


Recent Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) aim to introduce account abstraction features to the Ethereum network. One potential application of these features is for DEXes like Uniswap to sponsor gas fees for user transactions. This could potentially increase user engagement by lowering the cost barriers for swappers, but its economic implications on the protocol's revenue and its effects on liquidity providers and MEV dynamics remain underexplored.

Challenge Objectives

Focusing on specific Account Abstraction-related EIPs like 3074, 4337, 7562, and more, here the goal is to uncover actionable insights and recommendations on optimizing fee sponsorship strategies to enhance user engagement while maintaining or improving economic incentives for liquidity providers by looking into:

Expected Outcomes & Deliverables

While thoughtful submissions of all mediums will be accepted, they may include (but are not limited to):

Specific deliverables might include a written report with Allium visualizations, a simulation analysis leveraging v3-polars in a python notebook or a Github repo, a written report on Mirror/Medium/Notion/etc with visuals of key metrics from Allium/Dune/Flipside. Feel free to get creative with your submission; the focus should be on actionable insights.

A submission must include details related to:

Suggested Tools
