Challenge #3: Quantifying LVR on Uniswap v2

Loss Versus Rebalancing (LVR) is a critical metric for assessing the efficiency of liquidity provision in Automated Market Makers (AMMs) like Uniswap. This challenge aims to quantify LVR's impact and its Total Addressable Market (TAM) on Uniswap v2 across networks (Ethereum mainnet and various L2s), exploring strategies to mitigate its effects and improve liquidity provision efficiency.

Challenge Objectives

  1. LVR Quantification:
  2. Cross-Network Analysis:
  3. TAM Estimation:

Ultimately, these are all just options for you. Even a single chart with thoughtful analysis can be insightful. Your may feel free to explore one or a few of these objectives.

There is a ton of information out there on LVR, but here is some of the best research on the topic:

Expected Outcomes & Potential Deliverables