Challenge #5: LP Profitability Analysis

Thousands of markets exist across Uniswap v2 and v3, enabled by liquidity providers (LPs) who park assets in pools in exchange for fees. But how much do LPs stand to gain from this activity? What is the opportunity cost of LPing ETH vs. just holding your ETH?

In the previous challenge, we analyzed the opportunity cost for LPs to understand the cost of holding a position in a liquidity pool versus rebalancing. This challenge aims to tackle the question of opportunity cost versus just holding the base asset. By analyzing the profitability of major v2 and v3 pools across the Uniswap landscape, we aim to shed light on LP behavior and dynamics and uncover the true costs of holding versus LPing.

Challenge Objectives

  1. Profitability Analysis Across Time Frames:
  2. Opportunity Cost Quantification:
  3. Cross-Version Comparison:
  4. Behavioral Insights and LP Dynamics:
  5. Visualizing Profitability:

Ultimately, these are all just options for you. Even a single chart with thoughtful analysis can be insightful. Your may feel free to explore one or a few of these objectives.

Expected Outcomes & Deliverables